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A description of this section of the website.
Here is a quick description of each Science sub-page:
Publications Here I list my publications with links to authors, institutions, journals, and a copy of the paper itself. Presentations This page contains talks and posters I have presented at conferences as well as for school projects. This material is (sometimes) not published elsewhere, so I thought I would post them here in case they are of interest or use for other researchers/students. Software This page is for proving software which I have written, as well as listing software I have written which requires e-mail consent to download. Additionally, I list links to useful software on the web. This list is meant for an easy reference for myself when setting up a new system, as well as a help to others by listing what I feel is the best (or easiest) program/tool for various uses. Resume/CV On this page I post my most recent CV, as well as a list of experience. This is mainly for me to have an independent list of past experience separate from LinkedIn/ResearchGate. I also include a list of courses that I have taken in UCSB, SDSU, and CGU. Links Here I list a few science-oriented links. Some of these are meant for fellow researchers, while others are more popular science for a general audience. There are MANY such sites, and I simply don't have time to check them all out, so I simply post the ones I am aware of and like.